☞ Name of Institute : MADRASA ISHAAT-E-ISLAM
☞ Year of Established : 2003
☞ Education Starting : 2003
☞ Ex Guardian : (2003-2017) Hazrat Maulana Yunus Sb Jaunpuri ؒ, Khalifa Hazrat Maulana Shaikh Zakariyya Sb Kandhlawi ؒ
☞ Guardian : Hazrat Maulana Mazhar Alam Sb, Khalifa Hazrat Maulana Shaikh Zakariyya Sb Kandhlawi ؒ
☞ Founder & Principal : Hazrat Maulana Mufti Ajaz Ahmad Sb Qasmi
☞ Courses : Quran & Hadith, Tafseer & Fiqh, Hifz, Deeniyat, Primary, Persian, Arabic (Ist to Vth)
☞ Student in Madrasa : 300
☞ Teachers in Madrasa : 17
☞ Staff in Madrasa : 5
☞ Departments : Department of Ehtemaam (Principal Office), Nizamat, Education Department, Department of Taqreer-o-Tahreer, Waaz-o-Tableegh, Library, Department of Account, Mess Department, Hostel, Tanzeem-o-Taraqqi, Printing & Publishing Etc.
Introduction of Madrasa
MADRASA ISHAAT-E-ISLAM Chandpura Road Bihar Sharif District Nalanda Bihar. It is an independent religious madrasa where 300 students are studying this year, out of which 250 students are being provided with food and accommodation by the madrasa. As a result of the sincere hard work and dedication of 22 well-prepared teachers and employees day and night, the institution is progressing day and night. At present, the education of grades Mathematics to Arabic V along with excellent education in memorizing the Quran is going on. The total number of students in the Arabic grades is 90.
The number of students increases every year and the process of purchasing and constructing land is also going on, so the educational budget for the next year is likely to exceed Rs. 60 lakhs. Also, land has been provided for the mosque. Its construction is going to start soon. Therefore, all the well-wishers in general and the people of the city in particular are requested to make a special contribution to the Madrasa in their prayers during the blessed hours of Ramadan and toh support the Madrasa with as much Zakat and Sadaqat as possible and the Mosque with pure donations, thereby participating in the promotion and propagation of religious education and becoming worthy of the help of God.
Note: Muslims of Bihar Sharif city in particular are requested to visit the Madrasa themselves from time to time and encourage the administrators of the Madrasa. (Mufti) Ajaz Ahmad Mahonvi, Nazim of the Madrasa, 9570305718